The Journey of Echo Curios: From Cardboard to Canvas

Hey there!
I’m so glad you found Echo Curios! My creative journey started in a pretty unconventional way. As a kid, I wasn’t picky about what I drew on—if I could find something flat, it was fair game. I remember using the cardboard in the back of my dad’s truck as a makeshift canvas. Who needs real paper when the world is your sketchbook, right? 😅
Then came my teenage years, and I was gifted a set of Prismacolor pencils. Suddenly, my art went beyond pencil sketches of lighthouses and wolves. I got lost in the tiny details and vibrant colors, and my imagination began running wild. As a kid, I painted rocks with my mom to decorate the garden, but it wasn’t until I was an adult that I created my first painting on canvas. And from that moment on, I was hooked. It was like discovering a new way to express myself, and I’ve been exploring that ever since. What began as a childhood quirk grew into a lifelong passion that I pour into everything I create today.
Of course, it wasn’t always easy. Finding my artistic voice came with its challenges, especially in a world that often felt like it didn’t quite get me. As an autist, my brain’s always worked a little differently. The world around me can sometimes feel overwhelming, and I’ve often felt like I was being smushed under its weight. Through art, I found a way to navigate life—it became my sanctuary, my outlet, and my way of making sense of the chaos. Each piece I create is a little piece of me—a visual representation of my thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
Echo Curios was born out of that need to express and create without fear of being misunderstood. It’s not just art—it’s about taking up space, even when the world makes you feel like shrinking.
Whether it’s through whimsical creatures, surreal dreamscapes, or tiny goblins representing the complicated parts of mental health, my goal is simple: I want to make art that speaks to you. I want to remind you that you’re not alone, and that you can find something of yourself in my work.
If you’ve ever felt like the weight of the world is too much, or like you don’t have space to be your true self, I’m here to remind you that your passions matter. Take up space. Embrace what makes you unique. And always remember—no matter how messy life gets, there’s room for your creativity to shine.
Thank you for being part of my journey. I hope you find something here that resonates with you—because the world needs your light too.
Take up space. Explore your passions. And never be afraid to let your creativity shine.